Sacramento Walking Sticks Logo and header.


(Get all the details on the Membership Renewal Process here.)
Becoming a member of the Sacramento Walking Sticks is easy and inexpensive. The annual fees are:
  • $10 - Senior (55 and better)
  • $15 - Individual
  • $25 - Family (everyone living at one physical address)
Why should I join the club?
  • To be part of the largest AVA club in the country.
  • Make new friends.
  • Take part in special walks/events that will be offered only to Sticks members and their friends - don't miss out on the fun!
  • Members who walk for credit get free Sticks Walk Stick's Walk books (see Special Programs) and earn rewards.
  • Members who walk with their dogs and who walk for credit can get a free Doggie Do Walk book (see Special Programs) and a special name button for their dog.
  • To get that great feeling that you are helping support "the system" that brings you such great walks.
  • To help motivate you to get out and walk more.
  • To get your very own name button.
  • Any donations made to the club are tax deductable.
  • Although we gladly accept donations, the focus of the club is participation in events, not money.
To join the club, follow these easy steps:
  1. Print out the PDF document and complete the form with the following in mind:
  2. Decide on what type of membership(s) you'll want. More than one individual can apply on the same form. Remember:
    • For 3 or more people at one physical address, the Family membership is the least expensive.
    • If there is one individual (under 55) and one senior (over 55), please indicate who is which membership type.
  3. Complete the name and email columns for each person who is joining. Decide how you want your name buttons to appear:
    Name Button example or Name Button example or Name Button example
    First Name Both Names Nickname or ?
    Indicate in the space provided what you want on the name button for each person on the applicaton.
  4. Complete the birthday month and day for each person listed (do not indicate the year). If you object or don't want your birthday known to the club, please write in "DTS" (Decline To State).
  5. If you walk with your dog and you walk for credit check the checkbox and give us your dog's name. You will receive a "Doggie Do Walks" book and name button for your dog:
                                 Doggie Do book
  6. Fill in your mailing address in the spaces provided.
  7. Fill in any phone numbers you want us to know about in the spaces provided.
    • Indicate the type of phone if you use either of the spaces on the right.
    • If your employer discourages personal calls, don't list your Work Phone.
    • If there is more than one cell phone, please indicate who's phone each is.
  8. Decide whether or not you want a free gift (see pictures below). Remember:
    • An individual or senior is eligible to receive one free pin or one free patch.
    • Families can receive up to two free pins or patches total with their membership (two pins or two patches or one pin and one patch).
    • Additional pins or patches can be purchased with the membership application (add the additional amount to your payment - $3.00 per pin or patch).
    • You may decline your free gift.
    Indicate the total number of pins and patches you are receiving and purchasing in the appropriate blank spaces.
    Round SWS Pin SWS Patch
    Pin actual size, approx. 1 inch. Patch actual size, approx. 3 inches.
  9. Indicate if you want to purchase New Walker Packets (click the link to find out more) along with your new membership and how many you want to buy. If you want to walk for credit (Incentive Program), this is the way to start! Simply add $10 per New Walker Packet to your payment.
  10. Indicate if you are willing to help out by volunteering. Our club is run by 100% volunteer effort and it's fun to help out!
  11. Tell us how you first heard about the club. This will help us focus our volunteer publicity efforts.
  12. Get the completed application and payment to us by:
    • Mail your application and payment by check to the address at the bottom of the application form.
    • Attending an event and turning the application and payment into the people at the start/finish table. Be sure the event is a Sacramento Walking Sticks event by looking at the Calendar of Events page and attending any event that has the "SWSW Yes" icon:
      You may pay by cash or check if you are turning in your application in person.
    • Find out how to use Bill Pay here.
  13. Congratulations! You are now a member of the Sacramento Walking Sticks, the country's largest AVA affiliated walking club!
(Get all the details on the Membership Renewal Process here.)
  (Email feedback about this page.)
  Page last updated: 12-February-2025